New paper live on the Data Economy Lab:
Gaining Real-World Validation of the Digital Fiduciary Model
> A brief overview of the challenges, rationale, and the steps being taken to define how a company can explore the digital fiduciary model, as part of the effort to build a virtual trust layer on the Web.
Began pivoting towards developing a B2B "virtual trust layer"
Open letter published in partnership with Mozilla, in relation to Senator Warner and the Access Act
Codifying the Right of Trustworthy Delegation: A Crucial Empowerment Tool for the Web
> Also discusses the idea of a coalition approach.
MARCH 2021
No digital fiduciaries exist to date. Why?
Deeper Edge LLC was launched to serve as a “proof of concept” company, exploring various assumptions about viability, supply, and demand.
Initial model was a B2C platform to provide Web-derived services and apps directly to consumers. LEVIT and Personal AI were two examples.
B2C model encountered considerable challenges for small startup with limited funding, uncertain demand.
Also began exploring potential B2B model, with service offerings including “Trust as a Service,” others.